arrival in Uganda
I have arrived at long last! After 2 days in Halifax hanging out with the other interns and the great people at the St. Mary’s International Activities Office I flew to London Wednesday night. Spent Thursday in London, shopping for important stuff like mosquito netting and hanging out at a great pub in Nottinghill called the Swan. Staff was super nice and gave me a glass of milk for free cause the kitchen hadn’t opened yet and I needed to take my malaria pill.
Speaking of malaria pills, so far no funky side effects, keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way!
So last night I got on a plane to Dubai (really nice airport, wish I had more time there) then another this morning to Nairobi then on to Entebbe. In Entebbe I was met by a university driver who took me to the university, where I am now.
First impressions, its very odd being the only white person. Seriously, since leaving the airport I have seen only one other white person! And people kind of stare at me. Definitely a strange experience, but something I’ll have to get used to.
At the university I met Max who is the head of the department where I will be working. He seems very friendly, showed me around. I’m in the office of the department right now. It's pretty bare, bare concrete floor, 3 desks, and a bookshelf. My room is similarly sparse, but I saw a market on the way in that I can go to for some stuff. Maybe I’ll get a rug and a bookshelf. I doubt that there will be many opportunities to spend money around here.
The internet connection is very slow here, so it may be some time between updates and emails. Just know that I'm doing good, and I miss ya'll.
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