Lake Mburo Part 1
One weekend Alexis and I decided to go to Lake Mburo to see the zebras. We got up early Saturday morning, loaded up our backpacks with food, water, and other essentials, and took off.
After about three hours on a matatu, we reached the turn off. There we had to bargain to get a decent price into the park. We ended up working out a deal for one boda boda to take both of us. Normally sharing bodas isn’t a problem, though you have to get pretty close to each other. This time we both had fair sized backpacks, so one pack went on the handlebars, while one person sat on the back wearing a backpack. Which, in my case, made me totally feel like I was going to fall off the back.
But we arrived at headquarters without falling off and found a banda to stay in.

Once we were settled in, we were able to walk down to the restaurant by the lake, with the accompaniment of an armed ranger. The restaurant has unremarkable and overpriced food, but the location is superb!

There were hippos swimming in the lake, and one came out to graze!

Then we went back to the campsite and spent the evening chilling out with the warthogs.

Some impalas came by the campsite as well

And monkeys!

I saw a lizard too!

And a cool butterfly.

At first light the next morning we set out on a game walk. Our guide was excellent, he found elands (too far away for a pic, but they are a very rare antelope) and soon we were in the valley, and could see zebras, topis, and warthogs.

More zebras




Then we hung by the lake, packed up, and soon were once again balanced precariously on a boda on our way out of the park.
Here, in good ol Ontario, we're getting snowed on. Think of that while you bask in the african sunshine.
thanks... i won't mention then that it was too hot at murchison last weekend, i guess you wouldn't have much sympathy. ;P
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