What I'm up to
Well, the elections happened on thursady. No violence in Nkozi, though there are reports of intimidation and vote rigging in other districts. Of course, the EU has come out with a report saying that the election was free and fair, although they do aknowledge that it wasn't a level playing feild with Besigye being in jail and court during the campaigning, and Museveni using government resources for campaigning.
On Thursday I walked down to the equator with some friends (Alexis, Sister Charity, and Sister Harriet). Along the way we stopped at the Nkozi polling station for Sister Harriet to do her civic duty. The polling is all outdoors, so Alexis and I were exited to observe the whole process. We wanted pics, but weren't sure if that was allowed. Howvere, when we got to the equator there was a polling station right next to the equator markers, so I took this picture while pretending to photograph the equator.

Then we actually took some real tourist pics at the equator. Here I am, with one foot in each hemisphere (which is often how I feel these days)

So, on a more frivolous note, I got my hair braided. It took all day, from 7:30 am till 3pm. Alexis kept me company and took some pictures for me.
Here is what I looked like "before"

Here I am getting the braids.

And here is my new do!

Anyway, while getting the braids, the radio was anouncing the unofficial results which come from observers who count the ballots along with the electoral commision people. Those results said that Besigye and Museveni were both around 47 or 48 percent. But when the offical results came in yesterday, Musevini got aroung 60 percent of the vote. Something kind of fishy in that. And you've got to love that the EU people declared the election free and fair before the official vote tally was released. Cause it seems something might have happened between the polling stations and EC headquarters? (Something like a whole lot of pre-ticked museveni ballots got added in?) But right now all seems calm, despite the questions this raises.
Hey Hun!
I got your phone message the other night. I was very happy to hear your voice again: it felt like forever since I've heard ya.
All is well in PEI. We just had the ECMAs here, but I missed a huge chunk of it when I went to Nova Scotia for a getaway this past weekend.
Love your new hairdo!
Luvs ya.
Big HUGZ!!!
Hey darlin!
I miss you tons; it has been forever since we've chatted! But hey, I'll be home before you know it. Only 3 weeks left in Nkozi, then a bit of african adventure, then I'll be home just in time for when the row opens for the season! Just think, a whole summer of warm, lazy evenings at Meeko's is before us.
Wish I'd been there for the ECMAs. That's two I've missed now, but next time they're in Ch'town I'm gonna be there, even if it means a transatlantic flight! (But it likely won't, I want to actually live at home for a bit!)
I love the hair. :)
going to stay in Charlottetown a while?
Thanks, I love it too. And I hope to stay on the Island for a while, it all depends on the work situation of course...
nice hair! it must of felt weird at first. how long fo they last for?????
Feels totally weird, really heavy. and it itches, though that is getting better now. but its cheap synthetic hairs, so its gonna itch a little. When the girls here get it done it lasts for two months, but mine is already sliding out, I lost a whole braid last night. And I think that my real hair might be breaking, so i think i won't leave it too long. but I might get it redone before i come home, cause it is hot!
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