Maps and stuff - where I've been in Uganda
You may notice that a couple of "map" links have been added on the sidebar. I have added maps of Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania that you can look at to see where I am. I am also experimenting with messing with the maps in Paint to mark the places I have been or am going to. Below is the map I have made of where I have been in Uganda. The black squares are places I have been, the ones with red dots inside are places I am going. The thick blue lines are my proposed route. I will do the same with my planned route through Kenya, if ya'll find this to be a helpful way to get a sense of where I am at. And I can update as I go, since most computers should have paint. So please post in the comments section if you think such maps will be useful. (Or if anyone has an idea of how I can convery this information more elegantly, I'm not so good with paint.)
So the plan for getting out of uganda (shown on the map below) is as follows: I will be going to Kampala Thursday evening, staying overnight so that I can do some errands (changing money into Kenyan Shillings, shopping) and have one last nice meal before hitting the road. I'll be meeting Alexis and Sister Harriet in Kampala, and travelling with Sister Harriet as far as Mbale on Friday, then Alexis and I will continue onto Sipi Falls (Northernmost black square with red). We will stay there for a few days, then Alexis will return to UMU and I will cross into Kenya at the Busia border post.

did your trip start in sept? What on earth! Super cool! ima gonna email you at the other e you left too... i was in south africa three years ago to initiate as makhosi sangoma (southern african subcontinental medicine/shamanic tradition). my dear girl, i believe i last saw you with jeremy 'squishy pants' or fancy pants or something, charlottetown harbour, 2001, age 21 or so. just to be precise. i am in toronto, have been for ten-odd years, working and going to school. much like yourself... when are you coming back? Where will you return to? Where had you made your home prior to africa?
much love bambina-- talk soon,
megan rodd
It's Joe Grant. You may or may not remember me.
Was asking Laurie about you over christmas, oddly enough.
I was in Toronto until recently!
In london right now... drop me a line! (joedgrant AT
Just in case. That works for msn as well.
Looks like you've got a lot of travel ahead of you, Laurie.
Was great talking to you on msn the other day, hope it's not the last time for a while. :(
Joe - it may be, for a while, but I'll be checking in here from time to time, and I will be checking my email, so we can keep in touch that way. Anyway, I will try to get onto MSN at least once more before I leave. And you never know, I might find some good cheap internet cafes in Kenya with mSN installed.
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